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Usui Reiki Treatments

Koh Chang | Shanghai

In Person & Distant Healing

What we Offer

We offer Reiki treatments from both a Western and traditional Japanese Reiki perspective. Both offer similar benefits- the only difference is in the approach itself. Western treatments offer an energetic reading giving valuable insight to assist in understanding yourself better. A traditional treatment focuses on detecting byosen (toxin lines), and everything you need to know at that moment is naturally guided to you through your own dreams, experiences and daily interactions rather than through the practitioner. If you are unsure which you would like to experience just ask! We recommend to try both to better understand and experience all the wonderful benefits Reiki can bring. Reiki offers a well rounded insightful healing session, ideal for those seeking balance or a tool for self discovery. Whether your struggling with daily life, physical issues or wanting to explore deeper, Reiki is a gentle system for all.​​


Traditional Reiki Treatment

A traditional Japanese palm healing method that works by stimulating your own connection to Reiki to assist your inner system. Reiki intuitively flows to the areas in need, identifying the root areas of Byosen (toxin lines) to release stagnant energy. This allows the recipient's own Qi to flow more freely, in turn improving overall health and wellbeing. A traditional treatment focuses on Byosen rather than chakra points (although the energy will naturally impact these points). This may involve treating one or several areas for an extended time including front and back. When Byosen is detected and released this has a significant impact on the mind, body and energy levels.


Traditional treatments do not involve an energetic reading, although some light insight maybe passed to indicate problematic areas. The subtle guidance comes through the clients own thoughts, dreams and experiences rather than the practitioner. The session begins with a short discussion to identify specific areas/issues you would like to focus on and includes a blood circulation technique and optional technique to work on imbalanced habits.


Ideal for those who wish to experience Reiki in its original essence as practiced in the 1920-30s. We practice the way that was directly taught and passed on from Dr Hayashi to Chiyoko Yamaguchi (Jikiden Reiki) with no additions. The beauty in this grounded approach is the simplicity and effectiveness that has stood the test of time. These sessions are highly recommended for those working on physical/health and mental/emotional issues and habits. For more details click here.​

*Offered by Gar.


Cristina. P

"I just wanted to tell you that I am feeling really great today, last night I slept for 10 hours non stop, totally relaxed. I am sorry I didn't share much yesterday, i think I was just reflecting on how different the treatment felt compared to all the previous ones. I guess I "like" more to have your hands on me doing a massage or some sweeping. This being said- I feel my body really benefited. There were several distinct moments I would like to share. One was the minute you placed your hand on my left shoulder and shoulder blade, that pain disappeared in that second. It is a pain I have been having on and off for the past 6 months, from holding the phone and typing on the computer. I have tried acupuncture, osteopathy and stretches. It hasn't been so bad lately, but it hasn't gone. Yesterday it just went "poof" gone! Another moment was when you placed your hands on my hips or around there, the pain I have worked on for more that 10 years, that goes away with stretches was high yesterday, because I hadn't stretched. It also went "poof!" Even after, I sat on my friends's sofa for a good 3 hours, zero pain kind of crazy. I felt the heat of your hands through the blanket and clothes and some current of energy between your hands going through my body very distinctly. I woke up"relieved" like a big dark cloud had been lifted or something, really re-energized. Thank you!”


"I received Reiki from Gar and it made a huge change in my life. Recovering from 1 year of cancer treatment my body and mind was exhausted. After visiting Gar it felt like I had my soul back. I never have felt so good since i started my chemo. I was so focused and could cook all day, just in the evening i crashed but it was a total bliss during the day and now too. The Reiki is incredible, the dizziness less and stomach and heart. Just yesterday i had to leave the table because i got really dizzy but woke up refreshed and no nausea! I have not been feeling like this since Dec.
Thank You!”

Intuitive Reiki Treatment

An intuitive Reiki session works the same but from a different perspective. In both treatments you receive exactly the energy you need at that moment in time. This session takes its roots from a Western approach focusing on chakras and bodies and may incorporate additional holistic tools such as crystals.


The same energetic process takes place, but the main difference is additional insight is passed on that can offer valuable guidance to understand yourself better. The insight is not relevant to the quality of Reiki you receive, as the treatment itself is what is working on bringing your energy in to balance. However additional insight can be a great asset alongside your treatment to assist in developing a better awareness and connection to oneself. Any insight passed on is subject to your own interpretation and should be treated with an open mind. See them as little clues that may guide you along your own path of self discovery. This is discussed over a short chat at the end of your session.


These sessions are ideal for those who are seeking additional guidance to help them navigate better through life, or those who seek to better understand themselves on a deeper level.


  • Helps to align and balance mind, body and energy levels.

  • Identifies Byosen (toxin lines) & clears stagnant energy.

  • Boost low energy levels & improves immune system.

  • Assists in identifying root causes and problematic areas. 

  • Assists in developing a deeper connection and inner awareness.

  • A powerful tool for self understanding & inner development.

  • Effective techniques for releasing negative habits, patterns, thought forms

  • Compliments the healing process of conventional medicine & treatments.

  • Improves sleep state, and releases tension and stress.

  • Circulation technique to stimulate faster release of toxins.

Writing notes in the workspace

Reiki Mentor Session

If you are seeking specific guidance, direction, working through an issue or need advice on how to fully integrate the benefits of Reiki into your daily life, then a Reiki Mentor session maybe for you.


A Reiki session can offer additional insight to better understand and become  aware of what is currently blocking your path. With this positive and impactful changes to help counteract patterns or negative traits can often be created.

The full benefits only come when the client begins to take responsibility for their own healing. A treatment can be effective however if we continue on the same course and set no intention to change or put in the effort, these issues, symptoms and patterns will likely return. 


You will be guided before and after your session to identify your key focus areas and given practical methods to integrate change into your daily life. A follow up summary with a break down of key points, practical exercises and additional online support is also included. Ideal for those seeking extra support or looking to work on a specific area.

Distance Reiki

Distant healing is one of the many great benefits of Reiki. The only difference in a session is that the practitioner and client are not physically in the same space. Energy knows no boundaries. Reiki exists all around us which means anyone can receive the energy regardless of where they are in the world. Ideal if you are unable to attend a physical session, want to continue working with us or for specific situations where it maybe difficult to receive in person.​ They can be given at any moment which makes it practical for urgent matters, people who are hospitalized or overloaded with life/work pressure. This is the beauty of distant healing as it allows Reiki to truly be accesible by everyone.


However if you wish to get the most out of your session it is recommended to schedule a time where you will be undisturbed so you can be fully relaxed and open to receiving. This should be no different to an in-person session. If you are listening or waiting for calls or attending to other matters your body will be less relaxed and receptive. Receiving whilst you sleep is also ideal as this is when the body naturally repairs and restores, and at its most relaxed and receptive state. Reiki works effortlessly to assist and amplify your own natural healing process. Whereever possible allow yourself that 90 minutes of personal self care. Available for both traditional and Western treatments.

​Read more here about distant treatments.​

Girl Sleeping


REIKI TREATMENT(In person/Distant): 1.15hrs

3500 THB | 700 RMB


REIKI  MENTOR SESSION (In person/Distant): 2hrs

4800 THB | 1000 RMB


PACKAGES (In person & Online)

Ideal for those who wish to commit to a regular practice. We recommend to schedule a session at least once a month if you are working towards a specific focus. Your first session will be extended to get a better understanding of your needs for the coming sessions. Includes additional mentorship & follow up.


6 Session Package: 18900 THB | 3780 RMB  (10% Off)

12 Session Package: 33600 THB | 6720 RMB (20% Off)​


- Packages to be paid in FULL

- Validity: 6 Sessions | 6 Months, 12 Sessions | 12 Months

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