A-C Crystals

Helps to speak the truth, balances yin and yang qualities, harmonizes body, mind and spirit. Cleanses the aura and particularly grounding. Enhances security, good luck, longevity, wealth & abundance. Protects and transforms negativity, releases anger and tension. Improves focus, mental function, clarity perception and analytical abilities. Aids generosity and acceptance. Aids skin disorders, eyes, stomach and uterus. Strengthens blood vessels, and cleanses lymphatic system.
CHAKRAS: Crown, Throat, Heart, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Root

Soothes the nervous system, and calms the mind. Encourages truth, sincerity and trust. Instills a more objective mind set. Dispels fear, stress, negativity, and blockages. Assists one recovery in emotional traumas. Balances emotions, and male and female energies. Helps to manifest universal love. Aids communication and psychic visions, self-determination and confidence. Aligns the physical body with the etheric. Protects against electro smog. Assists the liver, osteoporosis, thyroid issues and muscle spasms.
CHAKRAS: Throat, Heart, Third Eye, Solar Plexus, Sacral

Cleanses mind, body and spirit. Purifies and draws out diseases, heals & renews the nervous system. Absorbs negativity, pain, and aids depression. Contains the wisdom and knowledge of the Earth and natural kingdom. Promotes self-confidence, courage, self-expression, decision-making, manifestation and balance. Encourages patience, spontaneity, joy and romantic love. Alleviates joint, throat, stomach, kidney, bladder, liver and gallbladder issues.
CHAKRAS: Solar Plexus, Sacral, Throat, All

The stone of sobriety. Inspires inner peace, tranquility, harmony, inner strength and spiritual wisdom. Enhances spiritual growth & connection, psychic abilities, and meditation. Protects against psychic attacks. Transmutes all negative energy into love. Natural sedative, aids sleep, dream recall. Heals emotional wounds, grief, loss, sorrow and addictions. Assists transitions to the next life. Aids acceptance, letting go, decision-making, motivation & success. Helps the immune system, metabolism, psychological issues, and paranoia.
CHAKRAS: Third Eye, Crown

Removes blockages, and assists in healing grief. Absorbs negative energies and attacks, and provides psychic protection and grounding. Cleanses the aura and energy field. Stimulates masculine energy. Releases stress, tension and sub-conscious blocks. Encourages new changes, forgiveness and self-acceptance. Connects mind and emotion. Releases self limitations, and stimulates analytical abilities. Stimulates spiritual awareness and of past lives. Helps muscle spasms, intestinal issues and detoxification.
CHAKRAS: Sacral, Root

Enhances manifestation, motivation, humanitarian and service to others. Stimulates creativity and intellect. Encourages psychic & spiritual development, deeper connection with inner self and past lives. Aids communication, self-expression, openness, and social ease. Balances all areas. Removes negativity from self and surroundings. Improves clarity of the mind. Helpful for hyperactive personalities and tension. Alleviates joint, motor skills, glands, meridian issues, and exhaustion. Encourages cell regeneration, healthy eating.
CHAKRAS: Throat, Third Eye, Root

Calms nerves, brings serenity and inner peace. Balances the physical, emotional and mental. Stimulates courage, acceptance, self-expression and communication. Protects woman and babies during pregnancy. Enhances sensitivity, tolerance, psychic abilities, clarity, and shields the aura and energy field. Supports those feeling overwhelmed by responsibility. Encourages service to humanity, and dynamic change. Strengthens kidneys, liver, and spleen.
CHAKRAS: Throat, Heart, Third Eye

A stabilizing stone, grounds and centres the physical body, and spiritual development. Aids concentration, motivations, tolerance, and open mindedness. Ability to see clearly and identify root causes of problems. Provides strength, flexibility and support in times of stress and anger. Connected to Mother Earth, ideal for healing the earth. Encourages delegation, and assists those who push themselves too hard. Alleviates aches, pains, muscle spasms, nerve damage and deficiency in Vitamin A & D.
CHAKRAS: Root, Sacral, All

A powerful energy transmitter. Heightens and grounds our spiritual connection. Encourages empathy, compassion and acceptance. Gently assists in emotional transition, releases negative emotions. Identifies root causes, and suppressed emotions. Stimulates communication, inner truth, and courage to stand up or speak up for ourselves. Balances yin and yang energies. Helps to attract twin flame connections. Instills optimism, joy, hope, and inspiration. Helps immune system, muscle spasms, twitches, and bone issues.
CHAKRAS: Third Eye, Throat, Heart

The Stone of prosperity. Increases career success, leadership skills, creativity, and decision-making. Balances male and female energy. Enhances positivity, perseverance, and independence. Improves imagination, and identifies possibilities. Releases anxiety, fear, anger and irritation. Instills calmness and harmony. Stabilizes emotions and mind. Merges the intellect and emotions. Protects against electro smog. Anti inflammatory, assists the nervous system, heart, blood pressure, metabolism, and sinuses.
CHAKRAS: Heart, Throat,Third Eye, Sacral, Solar Plexus

Stone of spiritual guidance. Enhances psychic and spiritual gifts, encouraging the soul towards enlightenment and inner growth. Removes negativity in the etheric, and releases old belief systems. Improves clarity, concentrate, and decision-making. Aids creativity and intuition. Cleanses the emotional body, balances and helps the flow of energy through the nervous system. Aids detoxification, spinal alignment, joint issues, and brain related issues.
CHAKRAS: Third Eye, Throat, Crown

An excellent blood cleanser and cleansing stone. Protects against negative energies, bullying and threats. Stimulates Kundalini energy, and boosts the energy level. Powerful healer & revitalizer. Provides courage, strength, and the ability to live and act in the present. Heightens intuition and increases creativity. Helps to heal ancestral lines. Grounds, reduces irritability, aggressiveness and impatience. Strengthens the bloodstream, immune & lymph system, circulation, heart, liver, and gall bladder. Balances iron deficiencies.
CHAKRAS: Root, Heart

A nurturing and supportive stone. Encourages spiritual and personal truth, communication and self-expression. Helpful for introverts. Cleanses, purifies and protects. Helps cool down hot tempers, relieves stress and smooth emotions. Calms the mind. Brings balance to environment. Encourages positive thinking and optimism. Releases fear of being judged, rejection and old patterns. Helps to start over again. Helps thyroid issues, arthritis, strengthen skeletal structure, and digestive system.
CHAKRAS: Throat, Third Eye, Heart, Crown

Purifies mental, emotional and physical bodies. Removes negative energy, and thoughts. Releases anxiety and fear. Calms the mind. Promotes one's spiritual understanding, and enhances metaphysical abilities and connecting with higher consciousness. Cleanses the aura. Inspires hope, and enhances creativity and expression. Lifts the spirit. Stimulates speaking ones truth and being heard. Strengthens the pituitary glands, heart, respiratory and immune system. Relieves inflammation, stress and depression.
CHAKRAS: Third Eye, Throat

Energetic and grounding. Attuned to Mother Earth. Assists in aligning and balancing the bioelectric energies of the body and mind. Helps to re-establish vitality and balance in stressful situations. Removes congestion, blocked energy, and destructive thought patterns. Balances yin & yang energy. Best to use in pairs. Beneficial for working on your shadow self. Encourages deeper more meaningful connection with others. Brings up suppressed qualities. Aids tissue regeneration, elasticity of skin and bones.
CHAKRAS: Root, All

Powerful amplifier and cleanser. Balances male/female energies. Enhances spirituality and our psychic abilities. Stimulates higher consciousness and insight. Clears all chakras. Stimulates positivity and hope. Connects our emotions and intellect. Enhances our memory in particular mind and body experiences. Stimulates calmness, discernment, wisdom, and deepens our intellect. Revitalizes. Transforms negative energy. Improves immune system, tissue healing, skeletal issues, blood clotting and joint issues.
CHAKRAS: Crown, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, Root (Varies by colour)

Amplifier and aura cleanser. Enhances sensitivity, nurturing, tranquility and peace. Aids communication, inner truth, patience & tolerance. Reprograms negative habits & patterns. Releases mental tension, fears & phobias blocking movement. Aids meditation, inner wisdom, self-awareness & acceptance. Releases guilt, heartache. Improves capacity of love, joy, personal power, confidence & creativity. Assists psychic gifts & vision. Aids bones, blood, strengthens muscles, arthritis, Alzheimers, liver, lungs, kidney, pancreas, intestines, PMS/Menstrual cycle.
CHAKRAS: Throat, Heart, All

Deep soul healer. Removes energetic blocks, detoxifies, aligns chakras. Increases intuitive abilities, insight, connection to higher consciousness. New beginnings & transformation. Trust in a higher source. Double refraction amplifies and doubles energy. Aids manifestation, strengthens, instills courage to move forward. Aids motivation, study, clarity, problem solving & decision-making. Recalls soul experiences. Releases fear based beliefs. Aids joints, immune system, tissue healing, ulcers, intestinal conditions, metabolism.
CHAKRAS: Crown, Third Eye, All

A stone of forgiveness, self-love, self-acceptance. Reveals true self. Aids connection with the angelic realms. Stimulates unconditional love, compassion, empathy, nurturing, positive thoughts. Releases fear, anxiety, grief. Heals and soothes emotional wounds, trauma, & unresolved issues. Aids inner peace, balance and harmony. Brings suppressed emotions to surface. Aids self-esteem & confidence. Enhances energetic connection with others. Aids pain, lowers blood pressure, PTS, immune system, tissue damage, joint issues.
CHAKRAS: Heart, Crown

High energy stabilizing stone. Dispels negativity such as envy, fear & rage. Aligns physical & etheric bodies. Opens the heart, and encourages emotional warmth, happiness and positivity. Encourages trust in one self and self-esteem. Releases limiting, negative conditionings. Enhances past life recollection, connects us with rebirth and reincarnation. Helps vitality, fertility, stimulates sexuality. Aids creativity, acceptance, individuality & abundance. Cleanses other stones. Aids blood circulation, reproductive organs, depression, bones.
CHAKRAS: Sacral Root

Spiritual and uplifting angelic stone. High vibrations. Enhances consciousness, connection to spiritual guidance, spiritual gifts, and deeper state of mind, Protects, purifies, and dispels toxicity. Aids mental clarity, wisdom, courage, growth, openness, and change. Assists addiction, obsessive behaviour and dysfunctional relationships. Instills calm, peace, and purity. Enhances dream recalling. Supports public speaking, mental balance. Repairs at a cellular level, detoxifies, relaxes muscle tension and assists digestion and throat issues.
CHAKRAS: Third Eye, Throat, Crown

The stone of the mystic. Grounding, protective and uplifting. Merges feminine copper and masculine iron elements. Helps to remove energy blocks, detoxify, and stimulate energy movement. Enhance perception, inner knowledge, spiritual connections and understanding from beyond. Activates and aligns the chakra in one. Encourages inner security, self-confidence, creativity, imagination and growth. Aids in locating lost items. Helps inflammation, tumours, arthritis, and brain disorders.
CHAKRAS: Crown, All

Symbolizes good luck and fortune. Protects from evil and negativity. Revitalizes and restores energy. Enhances motivation and productivity. Stone of prosperity. Enhances wealth and abundance. Stimulates happiness. willpower and clarity. Alleviates lethargy. Enhances positivity, will power, strength and action. Releases stagnant energy and periods. Instills calmness and balance. Brings negative back to positive. Awakens the soul. Helpful when lost in life. Enhances direction and life purpose.
CHAKRAS: Root, All

Detoxes physical, emotional and mental bodies. A powerful cleanser, energizer and stimulates creativity. Aligns with our higher self, activates intuition. Attracts abundance, joy, prosperity and success. Raises self-esteem, confidence, motivation and concentration. Absorbs and transmutes negative energy. Self-cleansing. Reverses self-destructive patterns, balances emotions and aids connection to our feelings. Balances hormones, blood circulation, degenerative diseases, kidney, bladder and menstrual issues.
CHAKRAS: Sacral, All

The master healer. Receives, stores and amplifies energy from all crystals. Encompasses universal life force. Regulates energy, and translates it to the highest vibration possible. Releases karmic seeds/debt. Amplifies communication with guides and higher self. Enhances psychic abilities. Increases awareness, self-growth, and purpose. Guides us towards our spiritual purpose. Balances all bodies. Protects your aura and energy field. Assists immune system, organ repair, burns, protects against radiation and all conditions.
CHAKRAS: Crown, All